Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Literacy-Where I’m From by Angela Frydrych

I am from successfully completing “Mr. Whiskers” on my Grade One report card and being able to attack any new word with confidence according to Miss DiGuilio.

I am from taking a ride on the horse pulled wagon with Laura Ingalls and the “Little house on the Prairie” adventures.

I am from beginning my teen years and hanging on to the words printed in “Oh My God, It’s Me Margaret”, learning what was to come.

I am from starting my own tradition of not going to watch what was on the big screen, until I read the book from start to end and was sure then what would appear in the next scene.

I was from reading about two gangs-the Socs and Greasers and feeling the great pang when Johnny died.

I am from reading all about dinosaurs to my two year old son, to now sitting by his side eleven years later and reading about the wizards of Hogwarts and the vampires under four different moons.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that you have kept your grade one report card. Miss G. would be proud!
